Homeless old people
Many people are suffering from homelessness in old age in India, there has never been the best time to give back and support others.
The Richa foundation believes that homelessness should be rare, brief, and non-recurring, and it can be with our efforts together. Together, we can blossom them socially, culturally, and economically. We understand stable and safe homes lead to a better lifestyle, including emotional, social,
and financial well-being. Everyone has the right to have a roof over their head, a place to sleep properly, and the safety and self-respect resulting from a consistent place to call home.
Regardless of their gender, religion, or social identity, we all relate to the same race: humankind. We share a similar experience. We all feel cold, need someone to understand us, and get hungry. This is essential for all humans. But these people don’t know where they will sleep tonight.
We need to support the homeless because they badly need our help. It’s as simple as that. We shouldn’t require any other justification to support someone other than the fact that they certainly needed help.
The Richa foundation understands Homelessness is a universal human tragedy. But if we help together, we can make the earth a better place for everyone. No matter how big or small the effort is, it can make a big difference. None of us have to be a billionaire to inspire change. Together we can help and end homelessness in our own little ways.