Giving a helping hand to the helpless and the destitute is the real worship of God. And we wish to worship truly.
We are privileged enough to get a roof over our heads that can shelter us from the severity of all seasons. But thousands of people are destitute and live on the roads, often without simple living necessities like clothes, bedding, blankets, or enough things to keep them safe from climatic conditions.
The Richa foundation wishes to provide them with preliminary necessities like clothes, food, medicine, blankets, or space like a shelter home as per their needs and requirements.
We just don’t want to make them baggers but also wish to provide skill training and give employment amongst the destitute by educating them.
With your support, the Richa foundation shall be able to donate the following items to the poorest of society:-
- Blankets
- clothes
- Shawls
- Sweaters
- Woolens
- Inner Wear
- Food
The Richa foundation aims to create an equitable relationship of sustenance, strength, and respect between the poor and rich people of the same society.